(1/6篇)看板Gossiping八卦板作者mikasamikoto推文145則 (90推 13噓 42→)Ptt改用英文溝通,國中小學生雙語教學普及,鄉民多益破千。這樣好不好?八卦?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(pttweb.tw), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://pttweb.tw/Gossiping/M.1693796750.A.054
#1→ : don't bother76.116.29.103 09/04 11:06 #2→ : GG ininder114.43.178.146 09/04 11:06 #3推 : ok104.28.200.15 09/04 11:06 #4噓 : mdfk114.137.220.61 09/04 11:06 #5推 : 可以去engtalk板27.53.122.240 09/04 11:06 #6→ : 我OK , you first59.127.152.130 09/04 11:06 #7推 : 沒有problem223.140.194.193 09/04 11:06 #8推 : I dot cat114.137.44.113 09/04 11:06 #9噓 : OKy36.238.31.11 09/04 11:07 #10推 : Mei sho gan mo? 09/04 11:07 #11→ : pretty good. so why you use chinese? 09/04 11:07 #12推 : i dot car1.200.91.239 09/04 11:07 #13→ : 不可以,未滿30繁中字請進桶27.52.197.217 09/04 11:07 #14噓 : OK118.165.183.136 09/04 11:07 #15推 : pls translate111.252.231.188 09/04 11:08 #16推 : Hahaha211.75.165.74 09/04 11:08 #17推 : 討厭 人家想用法文聊色111.254.58.25 09/04 11:08 #18噓 : ok la, ikea? no,i'm costco haha uccu36.233.205.204 09/04 11:08 #19推 : I OK YOU NO OK UNDERSTAND? 09/04 11:09 #20噓 : Kiss my axx36.239.84.79 09/04 11:09 #21推 : say English? easy211.23.39.77 09/04 11:09 #22噓 : Good morning122.146.87.18 09/04 11:09 #23→ : 以後toeic 分數未達700不得進ptt發言114.40.183.145 09/04 11:09 #24→ : google translate211.23.39.77 09/04 11:10 #25推 : It's easy for me, but difficult for yo1.200.25.141 09/04 11:10 #26 u. 09/04 11:10 #27推 : Eight Diagrams Board118.163.102.13 09/04 11:10 #28→ : anus dick101.9.174.191 09/04 11:11 #29推 : I am find, thank you211.23.39.77 09/04 11:11 #30→ : NO OK36.237.240.32 09/04 11:11 #31→ : I do car220.130.51.238 09/04 11:12 #32→ : who's your father? 09/04 11:12 #33噓 : PTT YYDS61.219.19.154 09/04 11:12 #34推 : Holy hole36.236.133.229 09/04 11:12 #35→ : fire in the asshole~ 09/04 11:13 #36推 : say my name42.76.181.51 09/04 11:13 #37推 : OK After You49.217.239.6 09/04 11:14 #38→ : how are you? i'm fine, fuck you36.233.205.204 09/04 11:14 #39推 : hey, my body,...ya, you now211.23.39.77 09/04 11:15 #40推 : this is a pen , that is a dog101.10.56.243 09/04 11:15 #41推 : What appears effortless to me may prov1.200.25.141 09/04 11:15 #42 e to be a formidable challenge for you1.200.25.141 09/04 11:15 #43推 : male three small106.64.114.107 09/04 11:15 #44推 : of course if u can accept poor English1.200.135.2 09/04 11:16 #45→ : There are fife people in my family211.23.39.77 09/04 11:16 #46推 : 這樣長ID更沒人權218.161.113.223 09/04 11:17 #47→ : taiwan can help101.9.99.181 09/04 11:19 #48→ : I am not in danger114.36.177.6 09/04 11:20 #49推 : sure136.23.34.64 09/04 11:21 #50推 : Tzamina mina eh eh Waka waka eh eh49.158.78.6 09/04 11:21 #51推 : 這idea真不錯49.216.107.172 09/04 11:22 #52推 : of course. please! do it! 09/04 11:25 #53噓 : you can go fuck your self27.242.5.128 09/04 11:25 #54推 : OK Iagree your idiot idea211.72.242.4 09/04 11:26 #55推 : Holy shit!! 09/04 11:29 #56→ : okok49.216.51.177 09/04 11:31 #57推 : u公three小122.116.221.108 09/04 11:31 #58推 : ok der lah39.9.128.254 09/04 11:32 #59推 : ok, i dot car. 09/04 11:34 #60→ : YOU HERE OPEN WHAT PLAY SMILE49.216.134.146 09/04 11:36 #61→ : mate tell u wot u fat lil cunt27.52.133.90 09/04 11:38 #62推 : OK114.137.109.13 09/04 11:40 #63推 : I ok u first111.250.193.253 09/04 11:43 #64推 : maa iidesyou220.142.109.138 09/04 11:43 #65推 : so easy223.136.4.46 09/04 11:45 #66推 : IのEnglish本當上手101.10.56.243 09/04 11:47 #67推 : Estus tre maloportune publikigi tian a106.107.185.2 09/04 11:50 #68 rtikolon106.107.185.2 09/04 11:50 #69→ : sure210.242.38.140 09/04 11:50 #70→ : Fxxk42.72.71.191 09/04 11:50 #71→ : goto english60.251.182.68 09/04 11:51 #72推 : IKEA COSTCO60.198.52.33 09/04 11:55 #73推 : penta kill101.12.53.102 09/04 11:56 #74推 : rock on114.46.47.199 09/04 11:56 #75推 : boku no ei go wa jozu desuyo223.141.58.254 09/04 11:56 #76→ : no problem60.248.32.24 09/04 11:58 #77推 : DPP can help Taiwan49.216.173.104 09/04 12:01 #78推 : 可以啊 反正丟ai翻譯而已101.9.195.203 09/04 12:03 #79推 : 批私 of ㄎㄟ ㄎ1.169.15.193 09/04 12:05 #80推 : Why no114.136.167.147 09/04 12:10 #81推 : ok36.233.211.148 09/04 12:14 #82推 : this is a pen223.136.4.195 09/04 12:14 #83推 : I English good, so no question49.217.64.17 09/04 12:15 #84推 : Who car123.193.101.192 09/04 12:17 #85推 : 落後才學英語36.237.201.115 09/04 12:19 #86→ : make sure gun more118.169.54.80 09/04 12:23 #87推 : May show gun more116.59.214.106 09/04 12:24 #88推 : Your Eigo 本當上手223.140.133.17 09/04 12:24 #89→ : 這樣要罵接地氣髒話有點麻煩120.125.201.109 09/04 12:25 #90→ : I am five112.78.77.251 09/04 12:27 #91推 : yes i do101.12.98.154 09/04 12:29 #92推 : hello may show ganmo101.10.16.151 09/04 12:32 #93推 : I am cuming223.141.148.229 09/04 12:32 #94→ : 好險我多益有70027.53.113.222 09/04 12:35 #95推 : where's the gossip? 09/04 12:37 #96推 : anal180.217.8.160 09/04 12:38 #97推 : Ok, DPP go to the hell223.137.142.196 09/04 12:40 #98推 : Who cars223.136.171.20 09/04 12:47 #99噓 : Chinese no say english222.155.157.59 09/04 12:51 #100推 : My TOEIC have over 7887 point English so118.160.108.136 09/04 12:52 #101 ok118.160.108.136 09/04 12:52 #102 My English is so good, like Apple, Bird. 09/04 12:53 #103推 : vegetable english sucks223.140.140.28 09/04 13:04 #104推 : Jia sai la101.138.239.173 09/04 13:06 #105→ : Hey guys ,you need to trying the Reddit27.247.36.29 09/04 13:09 #106推 : More g long111.83.242.75 09/04 13:11 #107推 : haha,I like your idea101.8.10.18 09/04 13:13 #108推 : 那你來talk talk111.71.212.198 09/04 13:13 #109推 : Is e04 a Englisg word? 09/04 13:17 #110→ : Who cares. 09/04 13:18 #111推 : No, my english is 差101.12.88.235 09/04 13:19 #112噓 : Foolish idea. 09/04 13:21 #113推 : 俺 fine thank u & u? 09/04 13:23 #114推 : no prublen42.72.243.16 09/04 13:27 #115推 : Sure, let's start. 09/04 13:30 #116→ : 八卦版鄉民都是托益1000分的高手,安啦112.104.53.187 09/04 13:30 #117噓 : cc49.216.54.195 09/04 13:41 #118→ : duck bu bi211.20.147.161 09/04 13:43 ※ KOTD:轉錄至看板 KOTDFansClub 09/04 13:45
#119推 : fuck you tsai ing wen220.136.3.245 09/04 13:48 #120推 : I am ok,but you first. 09/04 14:01 #121推 : f f f39.10.56.161 09/04 14:16 #122推 : Nice to meet u111.71.79.94 09/04 14:17 #123→ : not interested101.3.125.197 09/04 14:24 #124推 : anyway 總total101.10.94.1 09/04 14:27 #125推 : Yes I do223.140.140.10 09/04 14:31 #126推 : I dot car42.72.66.27 09/04 14:49 #127推 : AAAAA223.137.109.30 09/04 15:14 #128→ : i dot car27.51.104.115 09/04 15:19 #129推 : Is good to drink101.12.50.178 09/04 15:26 #130→ : I go to school by bus. 09/04 15:37 #131推 : no mind223.136.166.52 09/04 15:45 #132→ : I don’t car114.136.219.102 09/04 15:47 #133噓 : what a joke113.210.106.75 09/04 16:04 #134推 : Say my name14.167.179.90 09/04 16:18 #135推 : dpp eat shit27.247.199.162 09/04 16:38 #136推 : GMMF36.230.117.121 09/04 16:52 #137噓 : o223.138.5.216 09/04 17:37 #138推 : I’m okay la, but how about you49.216.49.25 09/04 18:12 #139 la? 09/04 18:12 #140推 : yes I does114.136.29.55 09/04 18:34 #141推 : i dot car61.230.86.203 09/04 19:19 #142推 : i dot car101.137.241.179 09/04 19:20 #143推 : Lets cook111.253.178.72 09/04 23:10 #144推 : Rdy? You want this shit106.107.185.207 09/05 06:39 ※ KOTD:轉錄至看板 NTUCivilism 09/05 09:54
#145→ : ok36.236.197.27 09/06 10:07